Monday, December 3, 2012

The White Giraffe By Lauren St. John

A Review by Valentina

The White Giraffe was an exciting book about girl named Martin. Martin is a daring, courageous, eager 11 year old girl. She lives in England and then has to move to Capetown South Africa after her parents died in a fire. Then she has to go live with her grandmother who she has never met before. She also finds that what she dreams about happens to her. She has been hearing stories about the white giraffe and she doesn’t know if he is real or not. Then later in the story Martin’s grandmother finds out that Martin keeps on sneaking out to meet the white giraffe. She finds out that the white giraffe is in deep danger.
I like this book because of the cliff hangers because it makes me always want to keep on reading. My favorite part is when martin tries to ride the giraffe. I think Lauren St. John is a very detailed writer. I give this book a 9. I recommend this book to girls who like animals and legends.     

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